"We encourage you to learn what’s behind the appealing labels, behind the “right” words and “politically correct” claims. In our app we utilise the latest OCR technology and convert your image into text. Then “InYouTake” App checks the text against extensive collection of chemicals used in the food industry."
Cloud DB
"Our program automates the processes of property management. It makes it possible to maintain lists of tenants online, analyze the percentage of lease areas, see the average rental rate for a floor, building, and other facilities. It allows to visualize data on the layouts of buildings and premises. It includes modules of management and the formation of legal documents. Can be used both for managing small facilities as well as large companies. Can be modified to suit your needs."
Charity Wildlife Conservation
"We are a not-for-profit organisation working on the front-line support for wildlife, big and tiny, beautiful and frightening, useful for us, human beings, and totally useless. Yet, every single one of them is valuable for this world. Protect, conserve, provide management and enhancement of wildlife population and their natural habitat. Safeguard their critical habitats like feeding, breeding, nursing, and resting areas."